School Time offers a wide range of sporting, musical and fun activities included in the programme, starting at the age of 2 (Yellow Class) and increasing gradually with each age group :

Starting in the Yellow Class

Physical Education and Dance
Physical Education and Dance
All children enjoy moving, jumping and dancing around! These physical activities encourage good balance and coordination, stimulate the memory to register the different movements and encourage the ability to work well in a group.

Music Class
The "Mélopie" method is fun and rich in ressources to help each child discover the pleasure of music, appealing to both the younger and the older children.

Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
What better way to create, imagine and inspire whilst developping your fine motor skills!
Starting in the Orange Class

This activity helps to encourage concentration, to relax and take a zen attitude!

An introduction to sport with different activities and equipment, including obstacle courses in the gym and team work.Starting in the Green Class

Chess lessons
Children learn not only how to move the pieces on the chess board, but also to anticipate, make decisions and wait their turn, which is not always so easy!

Japanese is taught as a third language with a whole new culture to discover!

Initiation into reading and writing in French
The Green Class start learning the alphabet in French and then the Blue Class begin the sounds and syllables, giving a good headstart for mastering the art of reading in primary school.Starting in the Blue Class
Blue Class learns with a syllabic method, a reading and writing notebook, essential tools to properly prepare children for the Preparatory Course. A little homework is planned every Friday to get children used to this notion. Reading will only be done in French this year in order to properly prepare and advance the children for their entry into primary school and not to be confused with the method of reading in English. Reading in English begins in elementary school with our follow-up on Wednesday.

Initiation to S.T.E.M
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) We discover, experiment, solve problems and begin to understand the world we live in, it's so fascinationg!

Drama Class